The greatest key to successful networking is to listen well. Of course this advice bears well in other situations, too, but particularly at business networking events, if you want to make a good impression in a short time, show up, be friendly, be enthusiastic, and listen!
If you spend all your time talking, you won't learn much (presumably you've already heard what you're saying) and, just as in regular social-social situations, people who only talk about themselves send a message pushes others away.
Friday late day networking. Here are three opportunities to network and have some fun today. It sorta sounds like date night, but you'd be surprised how this gatherings can be cool networking opportunities:
- 5 - 10PM Night Prowler, an AC/DC cover band at the Downtown Sundown Concert Series, Wilmington River Park
- 6-8 PM August Open House and Wine Tasting at Spectrum Art & Jewelry - Forum Shops in Wilmington (on Military Cutoff)
Featured artist, Sarah James, will be in the gallery for the monthly open house and wine tasting. As a glass beadmaker, Sarah has traveled across the country to take workshops from renowned glass artists. Her jewelry is very popular and each is one of a kind!
- 6-8:30PM Summer Concert in Annsdale Park in Brunswick Forest - 360 Degrees party band
If you know of a networking event in the greater Wilmington Area [which means to me anywhere from Topsail Island, NC to North Myrtle Beach, SC] that's open to visitors, drop me a note ahead of time and I'll try to post it.