Saturday, March 28, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Using Twitter in Business? Panel at Wilmington, NC SEO Meetup Group
At last night's meeting of the Wilmington SEO Meetup group approximately 50 people listened to Moderator Ty Downing of Perspective Internet Marketing and SayItSocial and panelists Shannan Bowen of the Wilmington Star News, Steve Harrell of Sophic, and Bruce Brown of Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Realty (hey, that's me!) talk about their learning curve, strategies, and successes using Twitter in and for their respective businesses. William Lang of Port City Color Copy handled the Ustream PC and fielded questions that came in via the Internet.
The 60 minute video on Using Twitter in Business below captures the entire event including a Q&A session.
If you can't see the video above, click this link to see the panel on Using Twitter in Business.
Contact info:

Web site:
Web site:
Twitter: tydowning

Web site:
Twitter: stevenharrell

Web site:
Twitter: shanbow

Web site:
Twitter: port_city_color

Web site:
Web site:
Twitter: brucebrownnc
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
NBCC Ribbon Cutting - RJB Tax and Accounting Service
In anticipation of the ribbon cutting Ray and other Chamber members and guests talked in the Chamber offices. Here Ken Schiess of HD Vest talks with Ray while NBCC Chamber President Peggy O'Leary of Premier Staffing fields a question from another member.
Marge Brown of Fat City Cards sang songs of her native land while Peggy O'Leary smiled and Executive Director Terry Grillo put up with both of them.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Wilmington Bloggers Ride Again! Oh, wait, I meant "Meet" Again
Showup, Engage, Contribute, Share - wait, that sounds like Twitter! Well, it works at our Wilmington Blogger meetings, too. There's a usual cast of characters and we always have interesting first time visitors, too.
I'm declaring today Irony Day for this Wilmington Bloggers meeting. Bring a hard copy of today's Wilmington Star News Online and if you're lucky (and ask) Shannan Bowen might autograph it for you. Other Star News luminaries are likely to be there as well. So maybe we should have collector cards and give a prize if you collect the whole set!
Nah, I'm just funnin' about that (tho' Shannan did say she'd sign autographs), but seriously, we do welcome guests and the information sharing about blogging technigues and tricks is rampant.
Looking forward to seeing you there.
Here's a map:
View Larger Map
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
St. Baldrick's at the Pub! Friday March 13th at Port City Pub

Git yer Irish on This Saturday in Downtown Wilmington!
Wilmington, North Carolina's St.Patrick's Day Festival!
OK, Saturday, downtown Wilmington (corner of Water and Princess Streets) 12-6PM.
Bring the kids. Food, music, crafts, Irish step dancing, bagpipes, kids area, and, oh yeah, probably they'll have beer, too! You can also check out the tall ship on the Riverwalk.
Hey, are they going to do Riverdance on the Riverwalk? Better come check it out!

Monday, March 9, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Cool modern twist on an old-timey style 'hood - Shelmore in Brunswick Forest
All Shelmore homes will be Craftsman style with front porches with swings, rear entry garages, white picket fences with entry arbors. Very much a turn-of-the-last-century small town look. Prices are in the high $300s to mid $400s. As usual for Brunswick Forest neighborhoods most everything one would want is standard (granite, stainless steel appliances, lots of crown molding and cool woodwork, hardwood in living areas, tile in baths, carpet in bedrooms, tile showers . . . it goes on and on.
Woody Hall Tells Us What Happened, What's Happening, and What May Happen
An assembled crowd of approximately 40 members and guests of the North Brunswick Chamber of Commerce gathered to hear UNCW's Cameron School of Business Professor William W. (Woody) Hall speak about the regional and local economy. For those who might not be familar with Dr. Hall, he's been the go-to guy on area economic info and projections for more than 20 years.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Hotel Status Update - March 5, 2009

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Business After Hours - Waterford UPS March 3, 2009
We we headed back to the food, always a priority, NBCC Board Member and President Emeritus (is that the word) came walking out, as usual walking fast and making sure all was going well.
Monday, March 2, 2009
The Making of "EVO - Is Extra Virgin Olive Oil Good for Your Skin?"
Find more videos like this on 3rd Street Plaza
If you can't see the video above, click on this link.
So here's the story. I've been experimenting with using short video clips on my blogs for listings, to say hello to folks, to impart messages that (at the time at least) I think are important, and sometimes just for fun. I'm also anticipating some questions of why I'd bother to make a video in the first place and in the second place one about skin care. Hang in with me and I'll attempt to make all clear.
I'm an active supporter and member of 3rd Street Plaza because I believe it's a good idea to have local sites as well as participate on national/international sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and so forth. Another benefit of local sites is you can actually meet the people behind the pictures and avatars either informally on the street or in coffee shops or even more formally at organized events such as the highly successful Wilmington Twestival event 3rd Street Plaza's founder, Ty Downing put together in just 11 days!
One way I contribute to 3rd Street Plaza is post videos. Here's one I made for charity: water, which as the reason Twestival was organized in the first place (the charity, NOT my video).
Find more videos like this on 3rd Street Plaza
If you can't see the video above, click on this link.
And here's another I posted recently when I was inspired to say something about what I believe to be the absolute necessity of businesses using social media in 2009:
Find more videos like this on 3rd Street Plaza
If you can't see the video (which means you don't have the right kind of FlashPlayer support on your computer), click on this link.

So I embarked on the olive oil on the skin experiment. I figured that since I like hot pepper and especially Pastor Karl's hot oil why not combine the two, that is, use Karl's oil on my skin after shaving, etc., instead of regular oil. Well, as I mention in the video, that wasn't a great idea. No harm done, but it wasn't comfortable.
In the end, I do think EVO was good for my skin and no one seemed to notice or make comments so I don't think there was a noticeable odor - for either the plain or hot pepper infused types.
Now about the "why" I'd make this video in the first place. Social media is and can be many things. One of the best "things" it can be is an opportunity to promote and support family and friends. It doesn't have to be with full-out commercials or testimonials or stuff like that. Sometimes you can just tell a story, or make a video, or congratulate someone or tell them you appreciate them. As Marge says, quoting Kody Bateman, the founder of SendOutCards, "Appreciation beats self-promotion every time."
Here's Marge's photo (photo used with permission):
So that's the story of The Making of "EVO - Is Extra Virgin Olive Oil Good for Your Skin." I made it in support of some folks, because I'm trying to learn by doing about using video with social media, and because it was fun,
Disclaimer: I'm not selling Pastor Karl's Fit to be Thai'd Hot Pepper Oil. Nor is Karl, though he mentioned something like if he were it would have to be for $100 a bottle plus shipping or $25 for the pepper and spice "kit". But he's not selling it anyway. He is a real good guy and available for weddings and such when he can get away. He's a full-on music nut, focusing I think on Southern rock right now. If you'd like to get in touch with him, let me know.