Being Bruce -: 2012

Saturday, December 29, 2012

To Write, or Not to Write? That's My Question.

[Bruce's note: I posted this question in an author's group earlier this morning. After I put it up, I realized I was missing an opportunity to ask the same important question of people who read this blog. Thanks in advance for any feedback, comments, suggestions.]

OK, so I have a question. If you write lots of books, and I mean like potentially hundreds, does it make more sense to publish them all under one name, or, marketing-wise, is it a better idea to publish under several names?

The concern is either diluting one's impact and credibility or overwhelming one's market.

Background: Marge and I write personal and business development books. Some are 10 Steps to Success books, relatively short, 30-45 page ebooks on a specific topic. Others are 31 Days Mastery books, which include coaching suggestions and homework, these run 135-150 pages as ebooks. We publish all our titles now on Kindle, and that's working for us.

Here's another part of our particular puzzle - we LOVE to write these books. No joke, we sometimes get giggly while we're working on them together because we enjoy it and have so much fun. Plus we also write from the heart based on our own experiences in personal development and in self-owned business ventures. So, in our minds, these are important books, even the short ones, for us to get out.

And we also want to make money writing them. We make some now, for which we're entirely grateful. And we'd like to make more, preferably a lot more. As we were working on our lists of topics for the coming year, which turned out to be a boatload of titles, one of our friends and trusted advisors threw up a big caution, saying we should focus on definable subject areas and not put out too many titles. His argument is our market will not value such a large number of books from plain ole us (well, he didn't say it exactly that way).

So our trusted advisor had two suggestions:

1. If we insist on writing so many titles, start developing new brands and using different author names for different subject areas - that way we could specialize with each, and strengthen the individual brands.

2. That we focus at least 50% of our effort on marketing and not so much on writing additional books. He didn't say stop writing, but to make a significant shift toward more effective marketing (including speaking, radio, blogging, that kind of thing).

So we enjoy speaking, radio, etc., but we REALLY DIG WRITING our books.

My thought is we ourselves are our own brand. That's clearly ego-centric, but I also think it's true of all of us writer types, or certainly can be.

So I guess my LONG question, boils down to this:

Our friend and advisor has suggested we allocate 50% time to writing new books and 50% to marketing, on a consistent, structured plan for each. I'm OK with a structured plan for writing, and am working on a structure for marketing (which to date comes in flurries, mostly, at least for most of our titles) - but I'd personally be happier with about 80% writing and 20% marketing.

Given our preferences and proclivities, what do you guys think? Any input is appreciated. This is a serious question for us. And, possibly, maybe except for fiction writers, one which others here share in part.

Thanks in advance, Bruce

Monday, December 17, 2012

Enjoying Birthdays Like Never Before!

Saturday was my birthday and I had a blast! Marge and I had fun talking with our children and grandchildren on the phone and we had some very special meals. Because it was the weekend we spread the celebration over two days!

We also spent time with our local Team Beachbody Coaches, first at a meeting Saturday morning and then painting our new team office and training center in Wilmington. So that was a load of fun.

Facebook added a whole other element to my birthday observance and for me it's a highlight of my year in social media. I totally LOVE hearing from people from my past and current life and really enjoy writing to everyone who pops up with a birthday wish.

This year I had more than 400 people wish me happy birthday on Facebook, staring first with folks from Turkey, Sweden, Germany, and Japan and then later the United States. It was great fun to see the messages, graphics, videos, and photos show up on my Timeline.

Starting on Sunday morning I commenced to write answers. I wrote a stock thank you for folks I don't really know all that well, and in it I included a link to a free download to our latest book (it's in launch promotion through Tuesday after which it will no longer be free, so the timing was right - hint: do you think that was coincidence?).

For people I know better, I included a line or two that was more personal. I had a note from Janet Ramsey who I met in 1955 when we were both 8 years old living across the street from each other in Windsor Locks, Connecticut and one from a guy I had coffee with for the first time just last week. I love the range. During the weekend I also had multiple interchanges with people ranging from Shelley Sweeney in Japan, Jane Gudge in Andalusia, Maria Montgomery in South Africa, and Jenny Lundell in Sweden, plus many more from people in the U.S., Canada, Australia, and of course the U.K.


No one sent me this video this year, but this is the one I send on Facebook to others on their birthday.

I wish you the best of the season and an especially great day on YOUR birthday.

Friday, December 14, 2012

My Bucket List Homework Assignment

OK, so I attended a Reggie Shropshire seminar this week. It was about making 2013 the most rockin' year ever with a full-tilt business plan (not exactly the title).

I figured, hey, I might pick up some good tidbits at the course and meet some fun folks plus I like Reggie so that would be cool, too.

I didn't know he was gonna deluge us with an outpouring of useful tips, techniques, tools, and strategies for building a business systematically according to plan. Whoa. Loads of stuff.

But guess where he started? With a bucket list. He gave us a link to some general tips for writing a bucket list plus access to a list of 535 possible items - just to prime the bucket list pump, as it were.

Well I've never done a bucket list before. No time like the present, so here I go - but I'll consider it a work-in-progress to add to later on.

(Process note: I'm going to start with Reggie's categorized sample topics and then take off from there, so it may be organized in the beginning, but I'm not pledging to stick to anything resembling organization.)

1. Take horseback riding lessons
2. Get new rollerblades and become a power blader
3. Learn how to waterski on one ski
4. Earn two belts above "no belt" in Akido
5. Become fluent in French and Spanish
6. Become fluent in Esperanto and Ito
7. Take drum, bass, piano, and guitar lessons.
8. Set up my own recording studio and record music with family and friends for fun
9. Get certified as a Zumba instructor
10. Take Argentine Tango lessons with Marge
11. Take Carolina Shag, Texas Two-Step, or California Swing lessons with Marge
12. Ride cross country with one or both of my sons on motorcycles
13. Visit the Galapagos with Marge
14. Live in Cuenca, Ecuador for 3 months with Marge
15. Live in Brittany for 3 months with Marge
16. Live in Cornwall for 3 months with Marge
17. Live in Uruguay for 3 months with Marge
18. Play soccer with my daughter and her kids
19. Visit Ireland, Paris, Greece, Istanbul, and Iceland with Marge
20. Take a river cruise across western Europe with Marge
21. Live in Costa del Sol for 3 months with Marge
22. Spend a week in Paris with at least 4 hours a day in the Louvre
23. Regularly attend Tony Robbins, Bob Proctor, Jack Canfied, and David Neagle's events (1 each per year for each)
24. Spend a week on Richard Branson's island with other entrepreneurs (and RB, of course)
25. Set up a giving foundation that focuses on 10 defined charitable organizations.
26. Found a nonprofit that works with churches to promote wellness through exercise and nutrition
27. Celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary at the Harbor View in Edgartown with the whole family for a week.
28. Have homes in Portland, Maine and Wilmington, NC.
29. Build a list of 100 people I've helped become millionaires and 1,000 people I've helped become successful, self-supporting entrepreneurs.
30. Have a succession of Schnauzers, always at least one.
31. Live one day longer than Marge
32. In home gym, meditation area, recording/video studio, and kick-ass office/library combo.
33. Great working kitchen with adjacent open dining area to seat 10-16
34. Take all grandkids to see the Rockettes at Christmas.

OK, so that's what I've got so far.

I Make Money Taking My Clothes Off - You Can, Too!

No, I'm not a stripper, and I'm not hiring strippers.

However, I did learn this week that I'm the male November Beachbody Challenge winner in the 50+ age group. As part of the Beachbody Challenge entry submission process I had to submit before and after photos. Here's what I sent:

By winning the monthly prize I'm getting a check for $1,000 and will also be in a quarterly vote where I'll compete with 24 people for a $5,000 prize and in an annual vote for a grand prize of $100,000. So wish me luck.

But you know what? It's not really about the money. The first important factor here is I took control of my fitness and health (I also got off cholesterol drugs in the process). And here's the second big deal about this for me: you can do it, too!

Every day someone wins $500 from Beachbody from entries by customers and Coaches in the Beachody Challenge. Each month there are 8 $1,000 winners. Besides the money though (and yeah, you can believe it, that when the check arrives I will definitely cash it), but besides the money the greatest gain we get from the Beachbody Challenge is improved fitness, better weight management through exercise, nutrition, and support, better health overall, and a big boost in self-esteem that we're taking care of ourselves (as we knew we should all along).

So consider it. Are you ready to get fit and healthy? Is it finally time for you to take charge and take control? I'd love to work with you if you are, just give me a shout or check me out at

And, if you'd like to make some money taking of your clothes (or most of them anyway), let's help you to your own fitness transformation and get a great set of before and after photos and a winning story to go with it.

One way to go down this path is being part of a Beachbody Challenge Group. I'm running a P90X Challenge Group (which is the exercise program I use) that's open to everyone starting January 7, 2013. For more details check out my Facebook page:

Lets's get fit, get healthy, and, if you're up for it, let's make money!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Why We Still Write

Marge and I continue to write books, even though our primary focus is helping people achieve their physical and financial goals through Team Beachbody. A few people have asked us why we keep on writing and publishing books when we are so clearly committed to Beachbody. We even asked ourselves that a while back when we resumed more concentrated effort on writing and publishing when our list of Team Beachbody customers and Coaches was growing.

The answer is clear to us, "We write because we must." That may sound odd, or self-agrandizing, but it's part of our truth as individuals and as a couple.

We love to write - it's just part of who we are, as much as our love of reading. We are book people. We're also word people which is pretty clear a message that gets across as Marge's "31 Days to Improve Your Vocabulary" is the best seller among our 20-odd titles published on Amazon month after month. So not writing would be against our nature. We're not big letter writers, as our family and friends can attest, so the two best outlets for our writing are books and our blogs. (Check  out Being Marge Brown to read Marge's blog.)

We are also students of personal development. The first personal development seminar we ever attended was a two-weekend event called "Adventures in Attitudes" run in the February 1973 by our very close friend Ray Smith. Since that initial exposure we've taken many seminars, attended workshops, read books, heard speakers live, recorded, and online, and for the past few years we've written our own books about personal and business development topics. So, in just a few months we'll be celebrating 40 years in the study of personal development - it only seems natural that we should give back for all we've gained.

Marge and I talk often of ways we can help people and how we can make positive impact even on folks we never meet in person. Blogging and social media are wonderful ways to connect, share, and, in some instances, even inspire people around the globe. But you know, there are some messages, some content that you just can't fit into a 140 character Tweet, a Facebook post, a 3-minute Youtube video, or even a 1,000 word blog post. (Conventional advice is that no blog post should be more than two or three paragraphs long - of course I regularly ignore that.)

So we write books. We have published more than 30 books during the past four years. All have been on Amazon but we've taken some down, either because we've written new editions, we've rewritten a longer and hopefully better version and used a new title, or because the time has passed for a few of the titles. We actually have a huge list of titles we want to write (I won't define 'huge' here because the number would seem silly). Someday we may write most if not all of them, but surely the list will grow as we continue to learn and grow ourselves and decide that perhaps, we, too, have something to share.

Once in a while one of us will say, "OK, that's it. I'm done writing books. It's too much work, it takes too much time, and there are so many other things I want to do."

Quitting usually lasts about two weeks max till one of us wakes up and states, "Here's a book I've got to write." Sometimes the idea comes in the shower so the announcement is hollered, but my point here is that we do not resist. When the concept for a new book strikes us, if we both give it the nod, then it becomes a work in progress.

Sometimes only a few weeks pass between inspiration and publication - the removal of traditional barriers by ebook publishing on Amazon are wonderful. More typically the idea will join the list while one or both of us thinks about it for a while and then within six months or so we'll get down to it and write the book.

For our shorter, 10 Steps to Success books, usually the actually writing to publication timeline takes only a week or two, even though the original idea may have appeared a year or more in the past. Three recent examples are Improve Your Positivity - 10 Steps to Success, Improve Your Leadership - 10 Steps to Success, and Attraction Marketing - 10 Steps to Success. Actually the Attraction Marketing book was going to be a 31 Days to Mastery book but we decided we wanted to think and work on the concept some more to develop more content. So we finished and published the shorter version as a 10 Steps book.

The latest book I'm focusing on personally, 31 Days to Facebook Marketing Mastery, was originally going to focus more broadly on social media as a whole. I started outlining it in 2007. After several false starts, and project-shelving, it's coming out this month (within days of this writing) and I'm pretty happy about how it's shaping up. In no way am I a Facebook expert, nor to I aspire or wish to become a Facebook trainer or consultant, but along the way I've learned and observed a goodly list of strategies, tools, and techniques that appear to help others as well as me market via Facebook. So the book has to emerge - that's how it feels to us.

Chances are you weren't really asking yourself the question about why Marge and I still write books, but if you've read this far, whether you wondered or not, you know the answer. Thanks for reading.

Friday, November 30, 2012

What About Christmas Cookies?

Hi, I'm Bruce, and I'm a cookie addict.

As we get close to the annual Christmas and holiday party season, which typically begins December 1st and doesn't end until Boxer Day (the day after Christmas), those of us who are determined to eat healthy and to maintain the progress we've made during the year are faced with a dilemma. Do we allow ourselves to eat and enjoy the Christmas cookies that show up in increasing numbers during the month in homes and offices or do we totally abstain in the interest of health and fitness?

Here's a simple test. If you can honestly expect yourself to eat just one cookie, then it's likely OK (barring medical issues) to have a single cookie. And definitely enjoy it. If, however, this question makes you uncomfortable, or if you absolutely know you cannot eat just one cookie, your choice is clear - in the interest of many levels of health, including physical, mental, and spiritual, you'll likely be better off admiring the view and the scent, but skip the tasting.

It basically comes down to a question of addiction. Surely we know that the simple sugars and fast burning carbs in cookies (and lots of other holiday season treats) physically cause cravings for more immediately or at most within 45 minutes after consumption, but addicts don't even have a choice after that first cookie.

Everyone has to make their own decision on this, and for sure social pressure from family and friends can be tough (just as with other addictions), but the decision to eat or not eat the first cookie is yours and yours alone.

As a confessed cookie addict, I know that I will not allow myself the choice. What used to be a laughing matter years ago (my behavior around cookies), is now an embarrassment, and I'm not going to have any Christmas cookies.

Abstaining from cookies doesn't mean I don't enjoy the holiday, and I won't avoid going to parties and events, in fact I totally love the season of joy, love, peace, and good will to all, but I also know that for my physical health as well as my mental comfort, I'm going to "just say no" to cookies this year.

What will you decide?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Who's In Control?

The facts are obvious and few dispute them. Many major health problems and quality of life detractors are due to the choices people make. Knowledge alone isn't enough - people need to make the decision to be in control of their health and make the changes necessary.

Obesity with its myriad of related health problems such as diabetes type 2, heart disease, many cancers, alzheimers, high blood pressure, stroke, osteoarthritis, respiratory problems, sleep problems, liver disease, and mental health problems is the number one health threat in the United States. With 70% of the adult population now overweight or obese, and with these numbers rising each year, we are on a path to beyond crisis - let's call it catastrophe.

You may not be able to change the world, change the country, or even your city or town. But you can set an example and perhaps inspire someone close to you. Take control of your own health and fitness. If you're overweight or obese, do something about it. Your body will thank you, and you just might save the life of someone you love.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Keeping Your Diet Sanity and Still Enjoying the Holiday Season

Phew! We made it through Thanksgiving in the Brown household. We had a wonderful time with family visiting from out of state and we didn't go to extremes. More holidays are on the way, of course, in December and January, and we fully intend to enjoy them with family and friends, including sharing meals and celebrations. That doesn't include writing off the last quarter of the year, nutrition-wise, however. We've found it's actually pretty easy to stick to a rational nutrition program and still enjoy the holidays.

Here's what's going on. During the past two years Marge and I have been gradually changing our diet for better nutrition and health. In that time we've both lost significant weight and body fat, and we've also been taken off cholesterol medication we'd been on for more than a decade prior. There's no way we intend to give back the progress we've made by eating holiday-stupid. At the same time, we aren't trying to force our new healthy eating and exercise habits on anyone, especially family and friends.

Here's what we do. When we entertain at our house we serve a mixture of traditional and healthier foods. For example, for Thanksgiving we served turkey with stuffing and gravy, dinner rolls,  mashed potatoes, home-made cranberry sauce, and home-made apple pie. We also served a roasted root medley and an edamame-based succotash, both of which were big hits (especially the succotash) with our family. At breakfast time we offered to make bacon, eggs, and pancakes and also offered our guests what we were having (Shakeology with coconut milk and mixed berries). The point is that we were able to integrate some our newly found foods into the holiday visit but didn't force them on others.

When we travel, as we will at Christmas, we'll bring along Shakeology to have for breakfast and we'll be careful to focus more on fruits, vegetables, and good protein served by our family and not arrive with a list of dietary demands that we must be served. Our family and friends have been wonderful, partly in providing healthy food choices at mealtimes but also in not trying to force us to eat the typical, unhealthy diet.

One of the major adjustments we've made is that we do not snack. During the holidays calorie and fat-laden snacks abound so it's important to make a personal commitment that we aren't going to graze for two months and lose ground we've so proudly gained earlier in the year.

I don't want to paint the picture that we're totally 'pure' during the holidays. On Thanksgiving, for example, we did have a little turkey, some of our son's fabulous mashed potatoes, and even a hefty piece of Marge's apple pie. Now it's Monday. Our guests are gone. And we're back to healthy eating, which so far today has been Shakeology with mixed berries for breakfast and a micro green salad with quinoa on the side for lunch.

We're enjoying our newfound health and fitness and the fact that we both feel so much better. We don't try to force or cajole our family to eat like we do, but perhaps if we set a good example, we might inspire some of them to make consciously healthy eating choices.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Healthy Eating - Our New Dietary Staples and Changes We've Made

Since we've made the commit to eat healthier, Marge and I have added new items to our list of staple foods we keep stocked in our kitchen and pantry. We've also dropped a few less healthy items, but I'd rather focus on the new good stuff.

This morning I lightly toasted some pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and slivered almonds in extra virgin olive oil. We now keep toasted seeds and nuts in a plastic container on the kitchen to easily add to salads. I never before knew how good pumpkin seeds taste, even raw, but adding them toasted with other seeds and nuts is a healthy treat - the essential fats and protein in the nuts are a wonderful addition.

We also now keep a few days ahead most of the time with cooked quinoa, brown rice, and a mixture of pinto beans and black beans - I'll cook up a cup or two of each (they at least double in size after cooking) so for the two of us, that generally means a meal or two of each. Cooking quinoa is quick, from start to finish only takes about 20 minutes. Brown rice takes a bit longer, about 50 minutes in all. Starting with dry beans requires 6 to 8 hours presoaking and then they take 60 to 90 minutes of to cook - I like to mix pinto beans and black beans because I like the looks of the variety and since they require the same cooking times it's just as easy to prepare them together.

Standard vegetables we keep on hand include tomatoes, red peppers, scallions and shallotts, red and yellow onions, cucumbers, zucchini, celery, clover or alfalfa sprouts, garlic, jicama (pronounced "hick-ama"), brocoli, kale, carrots, and beets. We also use loads of sweet potatoes. Red and green apples, lemons, avocados, and grapes, strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries round out our most common fruit shopping list. One big bonus is that our kitchen counter and refrigerator have never before been so colorful!

With the foods above we can eat quite happily, adding other ingredients as called for in specific recipes. We're not strictly vegan or vegetarian, but we've cut way back on meat, fish, chicken, dairy, and wheat products. We now drink distilled water rather than tap or regular bottled water and we also have cut way back on our caffeine consumption, especially coffee.

As we've learned more about healthy food and healthy cooking, the changes we've made have already had significant positive effects on our health, our sleeping, and our weight.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Success!! We Finished the Beachbody Ultimate Reset

What a great feeling of accomplishment! Yesterday was the last day of the 21 day Beachbody Ultimate Reset program for Marge and I and today we took our 'after' photos and measurements.

I did reach several of my goals, though the greatest gains for me were the new foods, recipes, and ways to cook (and eat!) that we learned and practiced during the Reset.

I lost 4 pounds and 1% body fat. My original goal was to get down to 135, but that clearly would have been too extreme (losing 8 pounds in 3 weeks). I'm very happy to be at a consistent 139 (over the last few days) and also I did get to my 12% body fat goal.

It seemed like my weight was shifting during the Reset and the measurements bore that out. After the Reset I measured 1/2 inch less around neck, 1 inch off my waist, and a surprising 2 inches off my hips. Everything else is about the same.

I hoped to increase my sleeping duration, but there was no change there, my average for the 21 days prior to the Reset was 7 hours a night and during the Reset it was 6.95 hours, so no significant difference.

We were wondering if the Reset would be challenging. Everyone else we know who's done before it reported that they weren't hungry and if they finished they were happy they got through and felt energetic and happy. Most people also said they found the middle week, which is the detox week, challenging, with a variety of physical and emotional symptoms. I'm happy to report that not only were we satisfied by and happy with the meals and our results, but also we had no discomfort or emotional drama during the detox week - so that's a win.

We did find that, like other people before us, we spent more time preparing meals and shopping for fresh ingredients than we were used to. We also realize you can never have enough refrigerator containers, so that goes on the list.

So we feel good, we're both very happy to be able to get back (gradually) to our exercise programs. We have agreed that we have irrevocably changed our eating habits and going forward we're going to incorporate several of the recipes, new foods, cooking methods, spices, and even our eating behaviors because of what we learned during the Reset. And that's something we have in common with everyone we know who has done the Reset - everyone raves about the food and most even don't want to stop eating following the Reset menus and programs.

So yay! We're done. But yay!, we're not stopping or forgetting what we learned. Thank you, Beachbody.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Eating For Health with the Ultimate Reset

We're now 2/3 through the 21 day Beachbody Ultimate Reset. So far there has been little stress or drama.

The first week was a stablizing week where we took supplements to alkalize our systems and started a gradual shift from meat and dairy products. That week was easy. The biggest change for Marge and I was switching to drinking distilled water instead of tap or bottled water - the point is to get rid of toxins and also to lessen overall acidity.

Our favorite meal change during week one was to have a microgreen salad for lunch. Here's an example of one of the salads - the ingredients can vary a bit from day today. In the photo below we added a little leftover lentil pilaf from the night before.

During week two we moved to all vegan and grains. Our intention, and the purpose of the program, is not to end up as vegans-for-life, but just for the purposes of the detox and the digestive system reset. I'm sure we'll go back to eating chicken, beef, and fish plus some dairy after the Reset, but perhaps not as often as before because we've discovered so many new healthy, delicious foods and recipes based on the vegan diet.

Week two entails taking a detox supplement three times a day (in addition to some other supplements). It wasn't a harsh routine or cleanse experience (no rushing to the bathroom involved) and I actually liked the taste of the detox powder mixed with water (go figure).

Again there were several new recipes we enjoyed, but our clear favorite was Edamame and Roasted Corn Succotash. I even had to Google how to pronounce 'edamame', which looks like lima beans but tastes waay much better. Marge said last night that this Succotash is her favorite vegetable dish ever! The photo below is of Marge preparing the Edamame and Roasted Corn Succotash.

My only negative about doing the Ultimate Reset is that we can't exercise. Because the Reset is 'extreme fitness for your inside', you are told definitely not to engage in strenuous exercise workouts (um, and that includes P90X of course). We are taking daily 20-30 minute walks, twice a day as recommended, but that was part of our daily routine anyway. I miss P90X and confess that I've snuck in a couple pullups and chinups once in a while just for fun.

So now we're starting the third week and I'm looking forward to this experience.

Results-wise, I have lost a few pounds, about 3 so far, and my body fat has decrease 1/2 of a percent. The bigger change is I'm sleeping on average about 1 hour more per night, and that's a good thing. Only once in the past two weeks did I feel hungry and after I had a glass of water that feeling quickly passed.

Learning a lot and loving the experience.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

My Next Challenge - the Beachbody Ultimate Reset

Stay tuned as I'm embarking on a new challenge starting today, the 21 Day Beachbody Ultimate Reset.

The photo on this post was my original Challenge in 2011 when I started having Shakeology for Lunch for 100 days and then added P90X for another 90 Days. In that time period I started at 181.5 pounds and 25% body fat and ended up at 146 pounds and 13% body fat - oh, and along the way my doc
tor took me off cholesterol medicine I'd been on for 11 years. My weight hasn't fluctuated too much in the last 14 months (this morning I was 143 pounds and 13% body fat), but I still have some goals.

I'm going to re-weigh myself and take some new pics in the morning but here are my goals for the 21-day program: I'd like to get back to my high school weight of 135 pounds (very healthy for my 5'8" height and I'd also like to get my body fat down to 11 or 12%). I also have some trouble spots I'd like to reduce, namely some stubborn belly fat and back fat (what people usually call 'love handles').

Since my system will be detoxing along the way in the 21 day process while I also learn to eat a whole lot of new foods (it's not a starvation diet by any means, lol), I'm also hoping to maybe sleep better. I'm the original I-don't-need-much-sleep guy, have been since college and in all those years I had averaged 4-6 hours per night. Now I'm realizing if I want to get stronger and healthier, and this last year I've been working at getting my sleep time up to 6-8 hours but it isn't always easy - I'm hoping by the end of the Reset I'll be sleeping like a baby for a full 7-8 hours every night.

I don't intend to keep a running commentary here about my experiences and progress (we have a Challenge group of 6 for that plus we're part of a group of 2,400+ around the country doing the Beachbody Ultimate Reset at the same time in a Challenge called Lean and Clean by Halloween). I will report back at the end, however, with before and after photos and data on weight and body fat changes, body composition alterations, and how the sleep thing goes.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Where Have We Been? Where Are We Going?

Wow, is life a lot of fun these days!

I've not posted on this blog for a bit. Marge and I have been having a blast during the summer. We've also been in a huge business growth phase for our Team Beachbody Coaching and for our Quantum Results Coaching 31 Days personal development book series.

We have discovered a way to balance our lives in two endeavors we both love, coaching and writing. For a while we weren't sure how people would view our maintaining both businesses.

But guess what? Eventually we figured out that if we're going to be any help to others, we have to be true to ourselves first so that our energy, enthusiasm, and joy would shine through everything we do.

So here's how it's coming down.

Our primary business focus is being Coaches with Team Beachbody. In simple terms, we love it! Marge and I have both had significant weight management, fitness, and health wins using Beachbody fitness and nutrition products and we love sharing that with others so they can work toward their own health and fitness goals. Financially it's working well for us, too, so that's another significant win.

So we call ourselves Health and Fitness Coaches because that's what we do. And it's also what we recruit and train others to do.

We're at the point now (with just over 100 Coaches in our group) that we're able to focus much of our energies coaching other Team Beachbody Coaches to their own success. So while we're no longer in practice as life and business coaches, we're performing both roles while we work with our Team Beachbody Coaches. And again, we love it and look forward to ever greater success helping others and growing our business at the same time.

We're also writers. We thought we could put book writing aside, at least for a few years, but that just didn't work. We're not spending most, or even half, our time working on our books, but we have decided to commit enough time to marketing our existing (19) titles and working on new projects (we each have two in the works) so that we aren't neglecting a force that refuses to lie dormant. So probably about 20% of our working time is spent with our books.

Recently we've been learning a lot about Facebook page marketing to simplify our marketing efforts for our books and gradually our Team Beachbody Coaching business. So you'll see us on Facebook talking about books (or rather the topics of our books) and also about health and fitness. It all fits together for us since our books are primarily about personal and business development and we use the same information, strategies, and systems working with our Beachbody customers and Coaches.

And in the meantime, we're continuing to have fun with our friends and family, enjoying the plentiful benefits of the greater Wilmington, North Carolina area as well as Brooklyn, NY and York Beach, Maine when we travel to see our grandchildren. All is well with our grandchildren and our children in New York and Maine, we're elated to report, and our son in San Francisco is having the time of his life! (Pete's about depart for a business trip to Japan and recently went on a similar trip to Germany - and it's all about video games, which has been a major interest most of his life! Go, Pete).

So that's us. Coaches, writers, happy parents, proud grandparents, and thoroughly enjoying life. Marge and I just had our 42nd wedding anniversary and we're looking forward to at least another 42 years - we know that if we're going to have a fighting chance we'll continue to commit to our health and fitness as Team Beachbody Coaches, so everything all fits together, you see.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Get Your Body Back!!

Are you ready to get YOUR body back?

Marge and I had a blast making this video yesterday, but we know that pursuing health and fitness, while making gains can be extremely enjoyable and give a great deal of satisfaction, isn't all just fun and games.

It takes work, it takes commitment, and it takes consistent effort.

If you want it, we'ere here to work with you.

The 'before' and 'after' shots below are all people who've had great results with P90X and Shakeology.

Our next Get Your Body Back P90X Challenge Group starts June 15th, and there are still a few spots open. Contact us today to register or for more info:

Marge Brown, (910) 431-1508,
Bruce Brown, (910) 297-8753,

To YOUR fitness and health!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Silver Fox P90X 90 Day Challenge Group

Boomers and beyond, let's get fit and healthy!

Are you a male?

Are you 50 or older?

Are you somewhat in shape but need to get back in gear to regain your strength, energy, and endurance? 

Have you packed on some extra pounds that maybe you thought you could get rid of with diet alone but it's just not working?

Do you know your way around a computer enough to access websites and send emails (clearly if you're reading this that answer is "yes).

If you know it's time for you to take charge of your fitness and health and are looking for a surefire way to get it going, here's a group specifically focused on men 50 years of age and older.

So are you wondering what a Beachbody Challenge Group is? Watch this video:

So I'm starting a Challenge Group for a very specific group.

On the 15 of each month, I'm starting a new group, limited to no more than five men, who will commit to a 90 day challenge that incorporates the three vital, essential elements of any successful health and fitness program:
  • World Class exercise - we're going to be using P90X - so enough said about that - it's only the most successful and most popular extreme home fitness program ever.
  • World Class nutrition - Shakeology - Beachbody's world class meal replacement protein shake that includes ample vitamins and minerals, prebiotics and probiotics for digestion. It's not just for weight loss, it fuels and supports your metabolism correctly.
  •  World Class support -  including online workout logging, message boards and forums, personalized meal plans and shopping lists, and, just for our group, a private Facebook group where we can check in daily to report progress, stay accountable, and give each other support.
The Silver Fox P90X 90 Day Challenge Group is forming  fast and it's limited to 5 guys. There is still space available.

If you'd like to know more about the group details and commitments contact me right off. We'll actually open the private Facebook group page early so people getting ready to start the Challenge can get to know each other, trade notes and info about preparation, and get a jumpstart on group support. 

Looking forward to hearing from you with your questions and interest. 


.p.s. Not sure if P90X is right for you? Let's talk. I started with P90X a year ago on May 1st, 2011 and have been loving it and I'm happy to answer any questions you might have about P90X or any of the other 200+ Beachbody exercise programs. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Are You Ready for a Heath and Fitness Kickstart?

If for whatever reason you've been holding off starting up a healthy nutrition and fitness program, Beachbody Ultimate Reset may be just right for you.

For more info, give me a shout, or Click This Link

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Beachbody Ultimate Reset - Coming This Week (April 12th)

Now your body has a Reset Button

Imagine your body had a Reset button—like the one your computer has. A button you could just hit . . . and it would clear away the toxic junk that's been slowing your system down. How great would that be?
If you've been feeling tired, run down, or just plain lousy lately . . . if you're having trouble with your digestion or difficulty losing weight . . . if your body just isn't working the way you want it to . . . the solution may be simpler than you think. The solution may be an Ultimate Reset™ .

In just three weeks, the Beachbody Ultimate Reset will restore your body to its original "factory settings," so you'll have more energy and greater focus, experience better digestion and a more positive mood, you'll notice that your body is functioning more efficiently, helping you lose weight and improve your overall health.
And you'll do it all without drugs . . . without fasting . . . naturally and painlessly. You'll do it with Ultimate Reset.

The Beachbody Ultimate Reset
is NOT a cleanse

No starvation diets. No harsh laxatives. No running back and forth to the bathroom all day long. The Beachbody Ultimate Reset doesn't punish or deprive your body—it feeds your body with all the nutrients you've been craving.

"'ll have more energy and greater focus, experience better digestion and a more positive mood..."

What is the Beachbody Ultimate Reset?

The Ultimate Reset is a complete, 3-phase daily program that provides you with everything you need to Reclaim your body's natural balance, Release the harmful materials you may be storing within you, and Restore your system to its maximum health.

Six Supplements (see more specifics at the bottom of this post)

Detox, alkalinize, oxygenize, mineralize, optimize, and revitalize—just what your body needs for an Ultimate Reset.

Extensive Support

from your Team Beachbody® Coach and other team members available online anytime.

Participant Guidebook

with all the information you need, plus a three-week eating plan with recipes, cooking tips, shopping lists, and more.

Two DVDs

How To Reset, explaining how to get started on the program, plus the Beachbody Ultimate Reset Cooking Class!, showing you just how easy it is to prepare healthy Reset recipes.

Reset Bracelet

symbolizing your dedication to transforming and ultimately resetting your life—and reminding you to give thanks for all you have.

Reset Caddy

to make sure you'll never have to worry about forgetting your supplements.

Why 3 phases of Ultimate Reset?


In Phase 1, you Reclaim your body, balancing its inner chemistry and preparing it for change—much like soap loosens grime.


In Phase 2, you Release the toxic compounds that are clogging your cells and stored within your tissues—like a purifying surge of clear water that flushes away years of impurities.


In Phase 3, you Restore your metabolism to maximum efficiency, while fortifying your body with the nutrients, enzymes, and probiotics it needs to maintain healthy performance in the future.

Ultimate Reset Success Stories

  • Success Story 1 My cholesterol was 237 before I started the program and now it's 162. A 75 point
    drop! I feel like I hit the lottery!
    -- Luisa R.

  • Success Story 1 I feel fantastic! I was tired and sluggish most of the time prior to using Ultimate Reset. Now I have an incredible amount of energy. More energy than I've had in years. -- Patricia K.
  • Success Story 1 I lost thirty-one pounds in three weeks with Ultimate Reset. Incredible! I've never lost that amount of weight in such a short time, doing anything. I never felt hungry. -- Keith H.

Ultimate Reset FAQs

Will I be hungry all the time during the Ultimate Reset?

No. You'll eat three healthy, satisfying meals every day. Most participants found the meals provided them with plenty of food. Just in case, though, we also give you a list of tasty snacks you can eat while still maintaining your Reset.

What's the difference between the Ultimate Reset and most cleanses on the market?

During the Ultimate Reset, you'll eat three healthy, satisfying meals every day and take supplements. You won't starve, drink only juice, or eat only meal replacements. You'll become familiar with delicious new foods and recipes that will help you maintain your health gains beyond these 21 days. In other words, the Reset isn't a quick fix. It's a path to real, long-term change.

Will I lose weight on the Ultimate Reset?

Probably. Most Reset participants have lost weight. However, they're even more excited to have acquired new, healthy habits and released unhealthy ones. They've eliminated cravings for sugar and caffeine, learned delicious ways to prepare fruits and vegetables, and grown more aware of how different foods affect their moods and energy levels, making it easier for them to continue eating healthily.

Can I work out during my Ultimate Reset?

No, for the 21 days of the Ultimate Reset, we suggest you refrain from strenuous exercise. The Reset is already giving your body a serious internal workout. After your Reset, you'll be ready to resume your Beachbody® workout program and benefit even more from your efforts.

I'm on medication. Can I do the Reset?

Check with your physician before beginning the Reset to make sure that it won't react negatively with any medication you're taking.

I'm pregnant. Can I do the Ultimate Reset?

No. Your body's systems are already working hard. Wait to do the Reset another time.

What if I have questions, or need help understanding something in the Reset?

Don't worry! You'll have the support and guidance of your Coach every step of the way. And because your Coach has already completed the Reset, she'll know how to answer your questions from experience.

The Six Supplements

  • Alkalinize

    Alkalinize For maximum health the blood should be slightly alkaline. Our alkalinizer helps to bring your body back into a healthy pH balance for improved immunity.
  • Oxygenize

    Oxygenize Supplementing oxygen helps the body eliminate waste from the tissues, which assists energy production and the transport of nutrients.
  • Mineralize

    Mineralize Our rare natural salt contains highly beneficial trace minerals that aid the digestive tract, regulate water content, and support cellular function—ordinary salt does not.
  • Revitalize

    Revitalize This combination of pre- and probiotics restores the balance of healthy bacteria in your digestive tract for a stronger immune system.
  • Optimize

    Optimize Systematic enzymes play a critical role in all bodily functions. Our unique blend of enzymes helps promote optimal immune and inflammatory responses in the body.
  • Detox

    Detox Our detoxifying clay draws toxic compounds from the gastrointestinal tract, and our proprietary herb blend restores your system to optimal digestive health.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Weight Loss Tips - Your LIfe Plan

 Your Life Plan

One of our favorite self development books is If How-To’s Were Enough We Would All Be Skinny, Rich and Happy, by Brian Klemmer. We knew Brian personally through his leadership seminars, which continue through Klemmer & Associates since his passing.

Brian was a master in helping people understand that their true intentions drive their results, not their stated intentions or what they say they want. Brian also trained us to see that there are many mechanisms available to reach any result you want to achieve.

There are many nutrition and workout combinations available to you to achieve your weight loss goal. Rather than looking for the magic combination of the lose weight “How To”, or mechanism, understand that what will ultimately determine your success, is your true intention.

Every true intention has conflicting intentions to undermine your results. For example, you want to lose weight, but you don’t want to give up your favorite desserts. The more you intensify your true intention, the greater the chance it will dwarf your conflicting intention.

Ways to intensify your weight loss intentions include:
  • Visualize yourself as taking a stand for a healthy lifestyle for the rest of your life.
  • Promise your significant family members and friends that this is your lifestyle.
  • Identify ways you’re resisting making the change you want, such as putting off your start date.
  • Identify false beliefs that might be holding you back, such as my schedule is too busy to create a healthy lifestyle.
  • Be willing to enjoy your daily practice towards the ideal, i.e. your visualization of a healthy lifestyle. Savor your daily work outs and healthy meals. Be willing to accept failure along with success in meeting your goals.
  • What is the ultimate reward for you to be in great physical shape? How will that allow you to live your life purpose?
We’ve adopted a healthy lifestyle so we can enjoy more decades together and with our extended family and so we can help you and others start a weight loss program that lasts a lifetime and enhances your life in myriad ways.


The above strategy is from Marge and Bruce Brown's "Weight Loss Program - Personal Coaching Guide", from the Quantum Results Coaching Personal Development Series. Available on Amazon at CLICK THIS LINK

A key factor in our own weight management program loss is Beachbody's Shakeology Meal Replacement Shake (disclosure: we are Team Beachbody Coaches and benefit from Shakeology sales). For more information on Shakeology, including what doctors say, CLICK THIS LINK.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Weight Loss Tips - Your Next Goal

 Your Next Goal

Continuing with our SMART Goal example, the woman in our example, after rechecking with her doctor, begins the second phase of her weight loss plan with these SMART goals.

Specific – “I will lose 18 pounds to achieve my total weight loss goal of 30 pounds.”

Measurable –“I will weigh myself each morning before breakfast, record my weight on my blog and on the Facebook page for my group of Healthy Goal Achievers.”

Actionable –“I will work out seven days per week and follow a healthy nutrition plan daily. My nutrition plan will include healthy alternatives for when I travel on business. I will find a buddy in my Healthy Goal Achievers Group for daily check ins and mutual support.”

Realistic – “Starting my program on September 1st allows sufficient time to meet my goal”

Time bound – “Achieve goal by December 31st for trip abroad.”

You can sense the “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again” spirit in this second goal setting session for the woman in our example. She is getting more support this time with a buddy, posting her daily results for her entire support group to view, and reinforcing her commitment to daily workouts and nutrition plans to suit her lifestyle.

With this sort of SMART goal setting approach, you can meet your weight loss goal. As with any challenge, it helps to break down your obstacles and deal with them in pieces. The approach of breaking down goals into several cycles is a good way to use honest assessments to make the necessary course corrections to ensure your success!


The above strategy is from Marge and Bruce Brown's "Weight Loss Program - Personal Coaching Guide", from the Quantum Results Coaching Personal Development Series. Available on Amazon at CLICK THIS LINK

A key factor in our own weight management program loss is Beachbody's Shakeology Meal Replacement Shake (disclosure: we are Team Beachbody Coaches and benefit from Shakeology sales). For more information on Shakeology, including what doctors say, CLICK THIS LINK.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Weight Loss Tips - Assessment


Since you set SMART goals with a time bound component, when it’s time to check back to your original weight loss goals, your assessment might look like this.

Specific – “I will lose 15 pounds towards my total weight loss goal of 30 pounds.”
Assessment: I lost 12 pounds.

Measurable –“I will weigh myself each morning before breakfast”.
Assessment: I weighed myself each morning and posted my weight each day in my blog.

Actionable –“I will work out six days per week and follow a healthy nutrition plan daily.”
Assessment: On average I completed a workout five days per week over the course of my weight loss program. I followed my nutrition plan daily except when I traveled on business I did not stick with my plan. This occurred on 10% of the days during my program.

Realistic – “Starting my program on April 1st allows sufficient time to meet my goal”
Assessment: I could have started one month earlier and also should have developed a contingency nutrition plan for business travel.

Time bound – “Achieve goal by August 15th for daughter’s wedding.”
Assessment: I am 3 pounds short of my weight loss goal. The good news is that I fit into my dress and felt good on my daughter’s wedding day!

In order to have greater success in setting and achieving your next weight loss goal, answer these questions based on your SMART goal assessment.

What worked?

What didn’t work?

Where could I use more support?

This assessment indicates good weight loss progress with some tweaking necessary for the next goal in the areas of consistent nutrition and work outs and additional support.


The above strategy is from Marge and Bruce Brown's "Weight Loss Program - Personal Coaching Guide", from the Quantum Results Coaching Personal Development Series. Available on Amazon at CLICK THIS LINK

A key factor in our own weight management program loss is Beachbody's Shakeology Meal Replacement Shake (disclosure: we are Team Beachbody Coaches and benefit from Shakeology sales). For more information on Shakeology, including what doctors say, CLICK THIS LINK.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Weight Loss Tips - Take Care of Your Buddy

 Take Care of Your Buddy

Perhaps you and your buddy have minimal contact or perhaps you play a significant support role for each other.

No matter what your communication pattern with your buddy, make it a priority to show ongoing appreciation to your buddy.

Here are some suggestions on how to acknowledge your buddy:
• Send your buddy one or several thank you cards;
• Send your buddy healthy recipes you’ve tried and enjoyed;
• Publicly thank your buddy on Facebook or Twitter;
• Make a contribution to your buddy’s favorite charity;
• Send your buddy a high energy music CD;
• Send your buddy a motivational audio recording made by you;
• Send your buddy a piece of workout equipment or clothing;
• Send your buddy a new home workout program;
• Get your buddy’s birthday and send a birthday card;
• Send your buddy a gift card to a health food store;
• If you’re in the same city, take your buddy to breakfast or lunch;
• Send your buddy some protein bars, recovery drink, or shaker cup
• Send a photo or video clip of yourself working out
• Ask your buddy for feedback on how your relationship is working for them and what you both can do to improve your interaction and support
• Give your buddy extra time to thoroughly assess how they are doing to meet their goals and what specific support they need from you.
• Send your buddy a fitness article and/or magazine subscription.

Take the lead to take care of your buddy without any expectation of getting something in return.


The above strategy is from Marge and Bruce Brown's "Weight Loss Program - Personal Coaching Guide", from the Quantum Results Coaching Personal Development Series. Available on Amazon at CLICK THIS LINK

A key factor in our own weight management program loss is Beachbody's Shakeology Meal Replacement Shake (disclosure: we are Team Beachbody Coaches and benefit from Shakeology sales). For more information on Shakeology, including what doctors say, CLICK THIS LINK.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Weight Loss Tips - Send Yourself Cards of Encouragement

 Send Yourself Cards of Encouragement

We’re big believers in the power of greeting cards to strengthen relationships. Our suggestion is to use greeting cards over the course of your workout program to strengthen your relationship with yourself and your commitment to a more physically fit lifestyle.

Here’s a suggestion for a personal greeting card campaign to keep you on track:

Card One:
Create an “I Am” card, which includes a photo of your self. In this card, write statements that describe your state of being as if you have already achieved your weight loss goal. For example, a few of your “I Am” statements might read: I am reveling in my new size eight wardrobe; I am completing my work day with more than
enough energy to enjoy each evening; I am thanking my family and friends for their compliments on my new physique; I am inspiring others to take more responsibility for their physical fitness; I am enjoying greater self-esteem through my discipline to complete my daily work outs and drink my superfood shake.

Card Two
Send yourself a humorous card.

Card Three
Send yourself a Valentine declaring how much you love yourself for your decision to lose weight.

Card Four
Send yourself a card with an image of the big reward you intend to give yourself when you reach your weight loss goal.

Keep your cards posted where you can see them throughout your weight loss program.

Hopefully these suggestions will inspire you to have fun creating and sending cards to yourself to reinforce your commitment to lose weight.


The above strategy is from Marge and Bruce Brown's "Weight Loss Program - Personal Coaching Guide", from the Quantum Results Coaching Personal Development Series. Available on Amazon at CLICK THIS LINK

A key factor in our own weight management program loss is Beachbody's Shakeology Meal Replacement Shake (disclosure: we are Team Beachbody Coaches and benefit from Shakeology sales). For more information on Shakeology, including what doctors say, CLICK THIS LINK.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Weight Loss Tips - Rewards Are Sweet

 Rewards Are Sweet

Have you ever heard of a contest where you’re eligible to earn cash and other cool prizes just for working out each day?

You’ll be delighted to learn that you and anyone you know can participate in The Beachbody Challenge, which offers daily, monthly, quarterly, and grand prize cash awards up to $100,000 for the winners!

The Beachbody Challenge offers motivation for you to get as fit as possible for an opportunity to win the cash prizes. All you have to do is register at, use any Beachbody home workout program, and share your results. You’ll automatically earn a free T-shirt and a chance to win any of the prizes. Just viewing the previous winners’ before and after photos provides amazing

Once you register, you’ll also have access to Beachbody’s online gym where you can log in your daily workouts and connect with more workout buddies.

You’ll also want to reward yourself as you make progress towards your weight loss goal and once you hit your target. New clothes are an obvious gift to give your self.

Consider buying your next workout program, a contribution to your favorite charity, or theater tickets.

Your supportive family members and friends also deserve a special reward, such as a special home-cooked healthy meal, flowers, something for their hobby, or a special outing.

Your accountability buddy deserves special recognition from you so be sure to include them in your reward program. Imagine making a surprise donation to their favorite charity as a token of your appreciation for helping you meet your weight loss goal.


The above strategy is from Marge and Bruce Brown's "Weight Loss Program - Personal Coaching Guide", from the Quantum Results Coaching Personal Development Series. Available on Amazon at CLICK THIS LINK

A key factor in our own weight management program loss is Beachbody's Shakeology Meal Replacement Shake (disclosure: we are Team Beachbody Coaches and benefit from Shakeology sales). For more information on Shakeology, including what doctors say, CLICK THIS LINK.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Weight Loss Tips - We’re Passionate About Your Success

 We’re Passionate About Your Success

Several years ago we complete The Passion Test, based on the New York Times best seller, The Passion Test, by Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood.

One of Bruce’s top five passions is “Being a Significant Positive Change Agent” and one of Marge’s top five passions is “Leading and Inspiring Others to Achieve Their Why”. We are committed to living in alignment with our passions. Therefore Bruce is committed to helping others with positive change and Marge is committed to leading and inspiring others to achieve their goals.

Being your cheerleader for your weight loss journey is who we are and why we wrote this ebook. We encourage you to contact us to share your successes and obstacles so we can coach you to your finish line. Your success is our purpose and joy!

Your success can also be an inspiration to others. One by one we will end the trend of obesity and related health problems. Our stories are the most powerful way we can influence others. We want to add your story (anonymously, of course) to our conversations with others who are ready to begin their weight loss journey.

We’ve shared our story. What's yours?


The above strategy is from Marge and Bruce Brown's "Weight Loss Program - Personal Coaching Guide", from the Quantum Results Coaching Personal Development Series. Available on Amazon at CLICK THIS LINK

A key factor in our own weight management program loss is Beachbody's Shakeology Meal Replacement Shake (disclosure: we are Team Beachbody Coaches and benefit from Shakeology sales). For more information on Shakeology, including what doctors say, CLICK THIS LINK.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Weight Loss Tips - How to Handle Negative Feedback

 How to Handle Negative Feedback

The obesity rates in the U.S. have risen dramatically in the last decade for both adults and children. Obesity is a major contributor to some of the leading causes of death in the U.S., including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and some types of cancer.

According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 33.8% of adults are obese and 17% of children ages 2 to 19 are obese. The childhood obesity rates have tripled in one generation!

You’ve joined the ranks of those who are reversing this trend and we applaud you! Your results will put you in the spotlight, as your friends and family members begin to notice your physical transformation. You’ll notice your physical transformation first, then your close family and friends will see a difference in you, and finally your acquaintances will offer their comments.

Most people need to lose weight so they’ll ask you what you’ve been doing. We expected supportive comments during our program. What we didn’t expect were negative comments from the minority like, “If you lose any more weight, you’ll disappear!” or “Someone asked me if you’ve been seriously ill.”

Comments like these just show how inured our society has become to the majority of the population having weight issues.

Repel negativity with responses like, “My doctor is thrilled with my weight loss and he or she wishes more patients would get their weight under control,” or “I’m getting into the best shape of my life,” or, “So how about you, do you have a weight loss goal? I’d be happy to share what’s working for me.”

Hold your hard earned ground!


The above strategy is from Marge and Bruce Brown's "Weight Loss Program - Personal Coaching Guide", from the Quantum Results Coaching Personal Development Series.Available on Amazon at CLICK THIS LINK

A key factor in our own weight management program loss is Beachbody's Shakeology Meal Replacement Shake (disclosure: we are Team Beachbody Coaches and benefit from Shakeology sales). For more information on Shakeology, including what doctors say, CLICK THIS LINK.