In the photo below are Jackie Willsie and Sarah Barbee of Fussbudget Promotions.
As was Mark Evans of Green Cleaning Technicians. (Look for Mark in the latest issue of Wilma Magazine - I haven't seen it yet but hear he's featured or listed as an eligible bachelor!)
David Merrill (on the left with green shirt and shades) of Hertz and the Wilmington Networking Events calendar. Also, Jim Weaver of Point Blank Advertising (in the pink shirt and shades).
Becca Jones of Penderlea School and Jennifer Caslin of the Food Bank in Wilmington.
Brooke Foreman of Left Right Studio.
Nick Kentrolis of Crest Fitness.
I had to scoot early, but it was a good time that I'm sure got even better as the evening progressed. Next month's event will be the Wilmington Young Professional's Halloween Business After Hours at Front Street Brewery on October 29th.