The Big Talker FM's Strictly Business networking event was held at Antonio's in Leland on March 24th. A goodly number of community and business folk showed up to talk business and build relationships.

Big Talker's Joe Catenacci was the host. On the right below Discover NC Homes' Nolan Formalarie videos Joe at work. While Coastal Carolina Concepts' Lauren Formalarie and Sea-Comm Media's Derek Sellers look on.

Denise and Jim Merritt, Quickbooks trainers extraordinaire!

My buddy Nick Arbia from ADT. Nick might not like this photo, so if that's the case I'll take it down, but whenever I see him I can't help smiling because he's such a great guy.

A bunch of folks, with Sea-Comm Media photographer/producer Paige Freeman coming through the door.

N2 Publishing's Steve West and Brandon Meyer of Meyer Computer Services.

HdVest's Ken Schiess and Monica Clark of Cape Fear Business Services.

NBCC outgoing Executive Director Terry Grillo, incoming Executive Director Dana Fisher, Ambassador Gina Schiess, and Sea-Comm Media sales manager Max Deutsch.

Nolan Formalarie, Terry Grillo, and Dana Fisher.

Sea-Comm's Max Deutsch and Russ "Call me Doug" Hauptmann.

Hertz Local's David Merrill (he's also the guy who publishes with NBCC board member Jeff Harvell.

Joe Catenacci up close and smiling!

Artist and designer Angela Johnson.

David Merrill won a raffle prize!

Paul Whitehouse of Lopermedia was a winner, too!

Another successful Strictly Business. Thanks to all involved.