After leaving the Cresecent Moon News Year Brunch yesterday, Marge and I scooted up to Topsail Island to the 8th Annual Surf City Dolphin Dip. Alas (and this may be the first time this decade you've read someone actually using the word 'alas') we didn't make it on time to see everyone go in. We did see, however, a lot of smiling faces, a bunch of people wrapped up in towels and blankets, and the immediate aftermath of a highly successful event.

The Dolphin Dip is billed as "
America's Biggest New Year's Day Swim Event." I'm not sure how it's measured, or who counts, but there sure were a lot of people in Surf City.
A piper was playing as I walked to the beach.

The Dolphin Dip benefits the Lower Cape Fear Hospice & Life Care Center which I can attest from personal experience is an organization of caring, compassionate, wonderful people who perform a marvelous service for people who are terminally ill and their families.

SEA-COMM media is a major sponsor and promoter of the Dolphin Dip. They also provided some rippin' beach music.

Brian Moxey, the guy in the (wet) white tux below was the coordinator for the Dolphin Dip. Brian's part of the management team at Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Realty. He's also a triathlete and a really good guy I'm proud to have as a friend.

Brian struck a quick pose. There was a light breeze off the ocean and he was soaking wet - can you tell he's a bit chilly? No matter, he stood there and smiled! Brian told me that more than 4,000 people turned out for the event. No details on how many 'dipped' and how many watched, Brian said, because they consider everyone a participant, so this year they had 4,000+. Great job!

The Dolphin Dip took place right in the center of Surf City, near the fishing pier.

Several Wilmington and Jacksonville TV crews were on hand. Looks like the reporter for this one took a dip himself.

The good news, other than the incredible news of the great turnout and the joy of giving and living the Dolphin Dip represents, was that the air temperature was near 50F, so people could actually stop to chat a bit.

Plan on making the Dolphin Dip yourself next year - it's easy to put on the calendar - just pick the first day!

I also saw Linda Snow, the lady on the right below. Linda's the Broker in Charge of Sea Coast Realty's Surf City office. In this photo she's with her sister Mary Ann.

As I was about to leave the parking lot I saw Brian again, and he introduced me to his wife Rebecca, who also participated in the Dolphin Dip (and she didn't appear to mind the cold at all!).

One again, Brian, awesome job and what a successful event! Proud of you guy. And thanks to all who organized, promoted, and participated in this year's Dolphin Dip. See you next year!