Marge and I spent some time in downtown Wilmington, NC, today, taking a break in one of our favorite places to wander. We stopped into
the newly opened Fire & Spice Gourmet shop in the
Cotton Exchange because I wanted Marge to see the store. When we got there co-owner Tommy Cooper was behind the counter so I took this shot.

After chatting with Tommy a bit we couldn't resist going upstairs in the Cotton Exchange to the
Crescent Moon art glass gallery where our friends Joan and Mike Loch reign.
They were both excited to show us some new tiny metal flea sculpture professional and athletic them pieces they have in the gallery. They'd only recently put them on the shelves and had sold a bunch. The flea sculpture sales are really jumping!

Marge wanted a shot of Joan, Mike and me so she took this one. And no that's not a lampshade on my head, but the color and shine of my sunglasses do kind of blend in the with the vase on the shelf behind me.

I noticed they'd thoughtfully set up a TV for a couple of their glass pieces to watch, which shows how nice they are. Looks to me like that guy is trying to levitate the bowl on the table, but maybe it's a glassblowers talk show?

This piece caught my eye from across the gallery - is it gorgeous or what?

And as we were leaving Mike made sure I noticed these End of Days pieces. Surely you've heard the expression, "When pigs fly!"

Down by the Wilmington Riverwalk the cruise ship was docked. A local artist displayed her work on the walk while her small white dog enjoyed the shade in the chair.

Cruise ships are becoming more common at the Wilmington riverfront. The easy walk to the stores, restaurants, and historic district are all good draws. There was also a taxi line waiting to take people to the beach.

So we had another fine time in downtown Wilmington, as always. The weather was perfect and there were healthy crowds everywhere.
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