So, all humility aside and with the upfront disclaimers that Clif is a friend and that he owns a local bookstore, RBR Books in Leland, NC, where my books are on sale (he also sells them via Amazon), here's the review, reprinted in full:
31 Days To.....
In the great range of self-improvement, professional development, career coaching advice that is available on the market today, there are only a few that stand out from the teeming hordes. Trump, Iacocca, Thiagi, Kiyosaki, are but a few of the luminaries who, over the years, have offered career advice based on real-life experiences. On the whole, their efforts are genuine and aimed at making your a better person, and perhaps a better business person.
There is a new player making inroads in the career coaching market who is distinctive from so many others. Bruce Brown has unleashed his boundless energy on a new endeavor; to help you make a 'quantum leap' in your personal and professional life. His first entre´ into developing a practical set of tools that can be used by anyone in any business, was 31 Days to Networking Event Mastery, first released in 2009. That was quickly followed by 31 Days to Relationship Marketing Mastery, and then, 31 Days to Greeting Card Marketing Mastery in early 2010.

Networking Event Mastery is now in its second, expanded edition. The 2nd edition offers a much richer guidebook to understanding how an individual can optimize business networking events without feeling pushy or out-of-place. Laid out in an easy-to-follow, thirty one day format, Bruce introduces the reader to the concept of how networking isn't really about handing out business cards to everyone at an event. It is really more about establishing and building personal relationships with clients, business partners, and friends.
The approach is very practical. Each chapter is very short. They follow the 31 days of a month (any month). Each day of the month presents simple advice followed by work pages. The readers can take inventory of resources they might leverage in their own efforts to build an effective network. Some might argue that the 31 day format is too didactic, too shallow. It is, however, the right format for Bruce's highly concentrated, fast-moving method. Readers who are moving at the 'speed of Bruce' don't need more than the essential elements being offered and the chance to reflect and write down what they can do to take the next step toward improving their networking skills.
This is not a book based on years of scientific research and endless studies. This is a book based on years of practical experience and drive to engage others in finding mutually beneficial business relationships. Bruce distills his years in marketing, real estate and a wide variety of other relationship-dependent jobs into the 31 Days... series. Bruce's skills as a seasoned writer make the the entire 31 Days... series enjoyable and easy to read.
To add the essential touch for readers in the Wilmington, NC area, Bruce also offers associated seminars and talks on relationship and networking marketing around the area. He can be found every morning (early morning) on Twitter ( checking in with pointers to daily events in the region and motivational quotations.
The entire 31 Days To... series by Bruce Brown (DesktopWings, $17.95) is available at RBR Books. RBR Books at the Waterford Village Shoppes, Leland's Only Bookstore.
So thanks, Clif, your review of the series and your continued support are much appreciated. Beyond the individual volumes, more of which are in progress, you also really do, as Alfred said, "get" the books and what we’re trying to do with them. - Bruce