See yourself crossing your weight loss finish line on or before your deadline.
One of the easiest ways to ensure your success with this or any goal worth achieving is to identify successes you’ve had in the past in all areas of your life.
Take a few minutes and list 10 significant successes you’ve had over the course of your life, such as earning a degree, raising a child, publishing a book, getting a promotion or anything else that gave you a strong sense of personal accomplishment.
In his classic personal development book, The Power of Positive Thinking, Norman Vincent Peale, wrote: “Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade. Your mind will seek to develop this picture…the mind always tries to complete what
it pictures.”
Rocket ships fail their way through space because over 90% of the time they are off course and their course corrections are ongoing. Guess what? You’ll zig zag along your weight loss journey. If you feel like you’re really off course, contact your Accountability Buddy for immediate support. Get refocused on what you want, not on the obstacles. Do not wallow in negative emotions, and, to quote Winston Churchill, “Never, never, never, never, never quit.”
You can avoid falling into a sinkhole if you spend time each day focusing on the positive feelings related to the benefits you expect to achieve when you reach your weight loss goal. Use meditation as a powerful fuel to strengthen your positive emotional state and your mental imprint of weight loss success.

The above strategy is from Marge and Bruce Brown's "Weight Loss Program -
Personal Coaching Guide", from the Quantum Results Coaching Personal
Development Series. Available on Amazon at CLICK THIS LINK
A key factor in our own weight management program loss is Beachbody's Shakeology Meal Replacement Shake (disclosure: we are Team Beachbody Coaches andbenefit from Shakeology sales). For more information on Shakeology, including what doctors say, CLICK THIS LINK.