I rode to the meeting with Justin Williams and George Murray.
Riding in the back seat of Justin Williams' car to the meeting. Check him out in the mirror.
Board members gathered and met the two faciliitators from UNC-W.
Our first exercise - a warm up we used at the end of the session to see how well we knew each other.
This is where most of the focus was early on.
Notice how Justin and Laurie are not at all seeing eye-to-eye.
But in this picture, Terry and Justin are definitely tuned in.
The builder (Jeff Harvell) and the banker (Donna Cameron) arrive with vital supplies.
Justin's on a diet that, well . . . you don't really want to know.
George Murray making a strategic call for more supplies.
Karen Pappas and Donna Cameron discussing fine points.
Here's why it's not a great idea to sit behind me at meetings. Actually, in truth, Terry was wide awake, but it sure doesn't look that way.
George Murray's hat graphic reads, "laugh". We laughed a lot that day. Here George is demonstrating the "Point at the audience while singing on stage" gesture he learned while singing with The Buckinghams in concert in June.
Sheila Hanby relaxing while Jeff Harvell pondering someone else's dessert. We all learned that "stressed" spelled backwards spells "desserts"