Yesterday our web site went live and we are very pleased. Not only do we have the web site we wanted, we also have gained new friends in Nathan Tayloe and Andrew Gray, the owners of Tayloe & Gray marketing and web design firm in Wilmington, NC.

We probably weren't their toughest clients ever, at first anyway, because we knew what we wanted in three crucial elements of a web site: design; function; and content. They dug right in and made rapid progress on the site.
And then we changed two of our elements, several times. We altered the functions quite a bit and we changed the content. We also threw in a twist when we requested our site be converted to WordPress when they were very close to the finish.
Nevertheless, Nathan and Andrew came through for us and we appreciate them and their work.
So here we are, in our own words:
Thanks, Andrew and Nathan, you guys did a solid job for us. We look forward to working with you as we make the inevitable changes over the years.
We made their job a bit trickier because of other influences in our web design and function.

Marge and I are students of Ali Brown and took her Online Success Blueprint course in early 2009. From that course we had a clear sense of the basic design for our web site, including the basic layout, the newsletter sign up box in the top right of the banner, and the inclusion of links to partners and teachers.

This year we enrolled in Bob "Bob the Teacher" Jenkins' SIMPLE 10K program which was fortuitously held in Wilmington and it was Bob who strongly suggested we convert the site to WordPress (something Nathan had originally suggested but to which we'd said "No").
We asked for feedback for color schemes but eventually went with the bold colors you now see. Three people unwittingly influenced us in deciding to go with our preferred color scheme.

Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood, the developers of and our teachers and mentors in The Passion Test from whom we've learned so much and on whose work we now base so much of our coaching, gave us the easy decision-making process to choose the colors that fit us best.

Fabienne Frederickson of Client Attraction was another style and color inspiration.
Since I'm on a roll here thanking and acknowledging people, there are three others who have made a difference in our web site content and design.

Wendy Hunt, photographer for our good friend Justin William's

NBM Magazine took the photos of Marge and I that are on the home page banner. Wendy was shooting us for a feature in NBM Magazine about our 31 Days Mastery books and both she and Justin gave us permission to use extra photos from that session for this web site and for other purposes.

And last, one of our best friends, Alfred Poor, who is also the owner of Desktop Wings, Inc. and our publisher, and has certainly forgotten more about most subjects than I will ever hope to know, served as a patient sounding board for our web site project.
So Nathan and Andrew brought our web site to life, but it wasn't without the influence and assistance from a bunch of other fine folk, some of whom never even knew they were involved.
As we now say as Southern Transplants who still have roots in New England, "Thanks to all y'all."