I tease Terri by calling her a Rockstar, but I mean it. She's awesome at what she does and she's also a dog lover, a car nut, and a runner. Plus she has a great sense of humor that she uses only sparingly. So what's not to like? Yep, she's Rockstar Terri!

NBCC board member Connie Reeves of Azalea Plaza.

Jeff Harvell, Associate Publisher of Nancy Hall Publications and Marge Brown of Quantum Results Coaching.

Ken Schiess of HdVest with Terri.

Marge Brown, Gina Schiess (Chamber volunteer, computer software instructor at Cape Fear Community College, and Logistics Chair for the 2010 NBCC Golf Tournament), and Alice Razzano.

Chamber staff person and all round great person Mary Anne Fagerquist with Marge Brown. Mary Anne is holding Marge's brand new book, 31 Days to Personal Mastery: Manifesting Your Ideal Life published by Desktop Wings and available on Amazon and at Leland's own RBR Books in front of Waterford.

ADT's Nick Arbia and Randy Larson of East Coast Staging. Both good guys.

Nick again, I think he's showing a dance move to NBCC board member Justin Williams of NBM and SBM magazines and Brian Hartzell of East Carolina Bank.

Scott Reeves of Azalea Plaza.

Terri with Monica Clark of Cape Fear Business Services.

Board member Tony Vlach of Nationwide Insurance with volunteer extraordinaire Bob Pine.

And here's the ribbon, finally cut!