Who are these guys in shirts and ties and why are they standing on a sidewalk outside a restaurant on a sunny day in coastal North Carolina?

Oh yeah, that's right they're Steve Haughey of Worldwide Express, Joe Catennaci, Derek Sellers, and Russ Hauptmann of Sea-Comm Media and they're getting ready for Strictly Business with The Big Talker-FM at Wrightsville Grille in Wilmington, North Carolina, quite close to Wrightsville Beach.

Patricia Pietropaolo of Permanent Makeup by Patricia and her husband John of the New Hanover Metro Treatment Center were among the early arrivals.

Rachael Hickerson, owner of Roots Organic Hair Salon and Jackie Jordan of Sea-Comm Media.

Mark Johnson of BuffMasters Car Wash and Detailers.

Wrightsville Grille laid out a nice selection of appetizers and kept 'em coming.

David Merrill of Hertz Local (and, incidentally, the creator of http://wilmingtonnetworkingevents.com) with Joe Catennaci.

Sea-Comm's Derek Sellers - I think Patricia must have given him a permanent smile at some point, because he's always smiling.

Susan Rivenbark with David Merrill.

Master tile setter Ben Brumsey of Brumsey Tile & Marble with Kimberly Ott Brumsey of KB
Organic Skin Care.

As I was leaving for another event I saw but didn't have a chance to speak to Nick Kentrolis, owner of nearby Crest Fitness.

Another good turnout in another great place. And, as usual, it was "strictly business" - even though it may look like people hanging out in a bar, this is the most business-getting-done networking event in the area.