Being Bruce -: Wilmington Bloggers - Take 3

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Wilmington Bloggers - Take 3

We had a nice turnout at the Wilmington Bloggers meeting at Connections Cafe on Racine Drive in Wilmington yesterday. Nine folks, all very active bloggers, Twitterers, and users of other social media met to discuss tips, technigues, strategies, and experiences.

We had interesting discussions of SEO versus social media, personal security issues when putting yourself "out there" in social media, and how newspapers, television, and radio are increasingly moving to web sites and social media.

Any and all Wilmington area bloggers are welcome at our meetings. Whether you're an experienced pro or just interested in seeing (and hearing) what blogging and social media are all about, come to one of our meetings, we'd love to meet you and you're guaranteed to learn and quite possibly become inspired. We have no set schedule at this time but meet roughly once a month - all meetings so far have been at Connections Cafe.

For info or to be contacted about future meetings, feel free to contact me or e-mail . You can also learn more by checking .