I've recently answered inquiries from other REALTORs about where the next state of the I-140 extension (Outter Loop) will actually go. This matters immensely to real estate agents and more especially to buyers and sellers in the area, none of whom want surprises down the road (so to speak).
So here's the official map :
And if you can't read it, here's the link to the NCDOT Map the Brunswick County section of the Route 17 Bypass.
When you look at the map, the sections labelled B and A are what are important - the remainder of the bypass, the sections labelled CA, CB, and CC have already been completed.
Section A, which links the end of I-140 from Route 421 to 74-76, will be the first completed, breaking ground in 2009. The next section, Section B on the map will follow and connect I-140 from 74-76 to US 17 (as you can see it's just east of the intersection of 17S and 87 North).
There is one last section of I-140 that's not represented on this map. That section will (theoretically) extend from 17 to the proposed Skyway Bridge that is planned to cross the Cape Fear River to connect with Independence Boulevard in Wilmington. We'll keep our fingers crossed for the Skyway Bridge, but we won't hold our breath (it's not a mixed metaphor if you keep it in the same species, right?).
If you'd like more info on these road projects that effect southeastern North Carolina, especially the northern section of Brunswick County, feel free to e-mail me at brucerbrown@yahoo.com or call my cell phone at (910) 297-8753. If I can't answer your question I'll try to find out or at least point you in the right direction.