I parked near the Coastline Convention Center (hint - free and easy, when there's space) and walked down Water Street by the Hilton. First I walked through the Rivefront Farmers Market, which closes a couple of blocks of Water Street just north of Market each Saturday from mid April through December with vendors offering fresh flora and produce.
The greater Wilmington area has a boatload of car shows - sigh, that's not very well said, is it? OK, so anyway they have a lot of them. Rims on the River is pretty big (estimated at 400 cars by the estimable Downtown Business Alliance).
One might wonder how closing the downtown streets so often during weekends is for downtown merchants. I suppose it matters, but I spoke briefly with good guy Scott who manages Front Street Brewery (that would be on Front Street) and he seemed pretty happy. When the weather cooperates as it did so well for the Azalea Festival and Rims on the River, Front Street Brewery puts tables and chairs outside and moves their host/hostess station to the door and does a booming business. Other restaurants apear to love it as well.