Anytime two big white tents are set up in front of the Brunswick Forest Welcome Center you can pretty much count on a party going on. In this case on Sunday, December 7th, it was a Holiday Oyster Roast - that's the way we do it in North Carolina because, after all, December is an "r" month so it's oyster-eatin' time!

More than 500 residents and guests RSVP'd for the event and it sure seemed like most of them showed up, even though the weather was uncharacteristically chilly. So we put on our woolies and our fleece and lined up to eat!

The Welcome Center Sales staff was on hand to serve food and generally make everyone feel, well, welcome!

Inside the two tents, with condiments, napkins, and shell buckets on hand, guests used complimentary oyster shuckers to open the tasty mollusks as well as gift hand towels to towel our hands. Below Carl Antos shows how it's done.

A disc jockey was on hand for lively continuous music but the non-food highlight of the celebration was a surprise visit by Santa and Mrs. Claus who came to welcome the children and their families.
The celebration was a good time for all and much appreciated. Brunswick Forest Welcome Center - you keep on throwing parties and we'll keep on coming. Thanks!
Oh, yes, and if you're reading this and wondering what it might be like to live in Brunswick Forest, please do give me a call at 910-297-8753 or e-mail me at - I'd be honored to be your buyer's agent and help you learn all about this fine community.