Saturday, November 22, 2008
Wilmington Bloggers Ride Again!
Well, we didn't actually ride anywhere, though two of us rode bicycles, one came in a SmartCar (see previous entry) and the rest of us came in regular (dumb?) cars to the second meeting of a loosely organized group called the Wilmington Bloggers. Following Wilmington Star News Executive Editor Robyn Tomlin's suggestion we met once again at The Connections Cafe on Racine Road in Wilmington. When we met the first time we had 17 folks in attendance, this time it was about 25. As you can see in the photo below, we had a good crowd on this early, chilly Saturday morning.
Our meetings are informal affairs in which we introduce ourselves and our blogs, share dreams and successes, and trade info on tools and techniques we use in our blogging. It's fun and informative. Our next meeting will be in January, date and time TBD.