Wow, what a great time for babies and
children!! First off, on Thursday grand-nephew Jacob Kylewas born in Connecticut to Jenna and Stephen, son and daughter-in-law of my sister Nancy and her husband Karl.
Jacob weighed in at 7 pounds 7 ounces and measured 19 inches. His big brother Evan got to meet him on Friday. We'll see them all when we get to Connecticut for Thanksgiving, but in the meantime, Welcome Jacob!
Back closer to Wilmington, Ava Grace Williams continues to amaze and amuse parents Kristy and Justin Williams (publishers and owners of NBM - North Brunswick Magazine). Justin wrote last night that they're "still adjusting" to Ava's arrival. [Bruce note - that adjustment period will continue for another 30 years or so, but don't tell Justin or Kristy yet.]
Ava certainly is a gorgeous young lady and she appears to be much more laid back than her dad, who never stops moving.