but after a while looked at me and gave me one of those looks that basically says, "OK, let's just go in and I'll fake it the best I can. You be my winghuman and I won't bark real loud or knock any kids over."
And that's what we did. We went into the park and she smelled stuff and dug in the pine chips and shavings a bit and I chatted with the humans. Pepper never barked or knocked over any kids. Actually, she does bark at home when someone comes to the door but otherwise is pretty quiet - and the only time she ever knocked a child down was when grandson Seamus ran into and bounced off her onto the floor, which hardly should count. Well, she did hip check a lady on the beach in Edgartown once, but she was only a puppy still getting used to her rapid growth. Anyway, we had fun in the park.
On the walk home we noticed the bronze statue of Thomas Jefferson (we live in a section of Brunswick Forest known as Jefferson Landing) was wearing a Pilgrim hat, so that called for the photo below.
All in all it was a fun, tiring walk. We're now both ready for naps, in fact as I look on the floor beside my chair, I notice that Pepper didn't wait, she's fast asleep.
Hope you all have (or had) a marvelous Thanksgiving.