Attorney Randy Rhodes reported for duty.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Appreciation and Farewell Party for Rhonda Norris
On Friday afternoon the Board of Directors of the North Brunswick Chamber of Commerce held an appreciation and farewell get together at the NBCC offices for Rhonda Norris, our Executive Director, who is relocating to Mississippi with her husband Greg, where Greg has been promoted to a position at his company's headquarters.
Rhonda and Greg were likely not terribly surprised, but they sure seemed pleased by the party.
Two local powers-that-be, Scott Reeves (aka "Santa") and Jeff Harvell (aka "Jeff") helped make sure the chairs stayed on the floor.
Phyllis Murray, with husband George (barely visible in the upper left corner).
Connie Reeves (who organized the party and prepared much of the food), Rhonda, and Peggy O'Leary, NBCC President.
They said, "Let the eat cake." And we surely did. It was good, too.
Peggy presented Rhonda with flowers.
One of these three is a banker who had to leave shortly to close up at 6PM. Can you guess which one? (Hint: his name ryhmes with Victor Pearsall).
When Dana Fisher and Charlie Riverbark arrived we knew the party was just beginning!
George and Phyllis Murray presented Rhonda with this beautiful piece of framed art, a piece she had admired since moving to town.
Dr. Sheila Hansby, a beloved local vet, worked hard on a chicken.