Perhaps you and your buddy have minimal contact or perhaps you play a significant support role for each other.
No matter what your communication pattern with your buddy, make it a priority to show ongoing appreciation to your buddy.
Here are some suggestions on how to acknowledge your buddy:
• Send your buddy one or several thank you cards;
• Send your buddy healthy recipes you’ve tried and enjoyed;
• Publicly thank your buddy on Facebook or Twitter;
• Make a contribution to your buddy’s favorite charity;
• Send your buddy a high energy music CD;
• Send your buddy a motivational audio recording made by you;
• Send your buddy a piece of workout equipment or clothing;
• Send your buddy a new home workout program;
• Get your buddy’s birthday and send a birthday card;
• Send your buddy a gift card to a health food store;
• If you’re in the same city, take your buddy to breakfast or lunch;
• Send your buddy some protein bars, recovery drink, or shaker cup
• Send a photo or video clip of yourself working out
• Ask your buddy for feedback on how your relationship is working for them and what you both can do to improve your interaction and support
• Give your buddy extra time to thoroughly assess how they are doing to meet their goals and what specific support they need from you.
• Send your buddy a fitness article and/or magazine subscription.
Take the lead to take care of your buddy without any expectation of getting something in return.

The above strategy is from Marge and Bruce Brown's "Weight Loss Program - Personal Coaching Guide", from the Quantum Results Coaching Personal Development Series. Available on Amazon at CLICK THIS LINK
A key factor in our own weight management program loss is Beachbody's Shakeology Meal Replacement Shake (disclosure: we are Team Beachbody Coaches and benefit from Shakeology sales). For more information on Shakeology, including what doctors say, CLICK THIS LINK.