This tip is sensitive. You don’t want to believe that anyone who loves you would want to sabotage your resolve to live a healthier lifestyle. Unfortunately that’s exactly what can happen!
While some family members and friends may be not consciously waiting to thwart your efforts, they may try to sabotage you because your potential success amplifies their lack of effort and their subconscious prompts them to act out in a self-protective manner.
You need coping mechanisms in place to ensure your success in the face of resistance.
First, request family members and friends to confirm their understanding that you’re embarking on a challenging personal journey and that you have their support.
Second, you need to define for them what this support needs to look like for you to feel it and receive it. For example, ask your spouse to give you a high five every time you complete a workout. Or, post your diet plan in the kitchen and ask each family member to write a note of encouragement on it.
Third, you need to let them know what you will do if you detect sabotage. For example, if your spouse makes her special three-layer carrot cake and pouts because you won’t have a slice, remind her of her agreement to provide support. Be prepared to leave the room or the house if you communicate your reminder and continue to feel negative vibes.
Close relations can be either your biggest fans or your biggest challenge during your weight loss journey! Appreciate the former behavior and discourage the latter!

The above strategy is from Marge and Bruce Brown's "Weight Loss Program - Personal Coaching Guide", from the Quantum Results Coaching Personal Development Series. Available on Amazon at CLICK THIS LINK
A key factor in our own weight management program loss is Beachbody's Shakeology Meal Replacement Shake (disclosure: we are Team Beachbody Coaches and benefit from Shakeology sales). For more information on Shakeology, including what doctors say, CLICK THIS LINK.