It turns out (and this may be no surprise to you, but it was to me), lots and lots of people, both business people and people who aren't in business have books in them they are driven, eager or at least interested in getting out.

When I attended Bob "Bob the Teacher" Jenkins SIMPLE program in Wilmington, NC last weekend there were lots of conversations about book publishing. Several in attendance already have books in print (some quite recently) and many others want to publish.
On of the

My publisher is Alfred Poor with Desktop Wings, Inc. Alfred is a (young) old friend who has written and published more books than I have fingers and toes and is now working with a select group of authors in what can best be described as joint ventures. Alfred is keeping this side of his business on the down/low (ooops) so it's best if he talks with you about it directly. Here's his super secret office phone number 215-453-9312 and private email: apoor@verizon.net.
I'm going to explore this topic and post about it occasionally in the next few months, but it's not going to become a business for me. I'll likely work out some kind of finders fee or affiliate deal with Kristen and Alfred and maybe other services I find, so there's that, but I'm only going to promote people I've met and with whom I've either had good first hand experience or who have been recommended by people I know. Two degrees of separation at most.
If you know of other great folks, companies or services (other than traditional book publishing houses, or vanity press) that you know totally rock, please send me their info at bruce@quantumresultscoaching.com.