OK, so if you follow this blog you know Marge and I go to a lot of Chamber events, networking events, area events, shops, and restaurants, from Wilmington to Myrtle Beach, and I like to blog about them and so on. But we haven't done anything (or much) with the entertainment industry, which we all know is huge here. Well...last night that changed.
A couple weeks ago I was on Facebook when an invite came out to fans of "Hollywood East" - something I'd signed on as a fan of because some friend or other suggested it, but I really didn't know much. The invite was for first come first served tickets to the Red Carpet Premier of the newest television series filming in Wilmington, "Hollywood East". And of course it's fitting since that title is one lots of folks use for our area anyway.
Well, long story made shorter, I immediately emailed for tickets for Marge and I to attend the event (interesting that the announcement went out on Facebook but you had to email to RSVP, but whatever). Eventually we got confirmation - in part possibly because there was some confusion that I was Lindsay Brown's dad (she's one of the stars in the series). Whatever, I had confirmation we were on the list so after the awesome Cape Fear Pride Chamber of Commerce event at Cape Fear National golf course (see my previous blog post about that), we hustled to Thalian Hall in Downtown Wilmington for the red carpet event.
When we first arrived there wasn't a huge crowd, but by the promised start time a few hundred people were gathered, including a bunch of photographers and a couple film crews (including WWAY TV3's Megan Torjussen who also been filming at the event at Cape Fear National). Marge waited inside while I played photographer with my trusty little Canon digital camera.
This was the scene about 20 minutes before the cast and crew began to arrive.
And, in case you haven't seen one before, here's the red carpet. Maybe not too long, but it's red and it's a carpet. (Note to Trevor, the far end kept tripping people up, needed to be taped. But thanks for keeping us on the list anyway even though I'm not Lindsay's dad.)
And here's the WWAY-TV3 camera set up in front of the backdrop behind the red carpet.
Same deal, another view.
One of the stars of Hollywood East, Jaime Moffett, tried out the carpet early on, which gave us all someone to look at and time to practice working our cameras. I won't tell you her part in the series, because even though they never requested we keep it quiet, it's probably better you check it out yourself. One hint, though, in the series,at least the two episodes we saw, she's doesn't dress like this!
The crowd was growing.
The first star officially down the red carpet was Scarlett Futch, accompanied by Charles Stewart Jr., Director of Photography for the series. A quick note, btw. I knew almost no one's name, and still don't have most, but a few other people in attendance saw my earlier Facebook album with the same photos and supplied some of the names. By far the most helpful on that score was Scarlett Futch. I really don't have a great photo of her here, but she was stunning. She looks great on film, too, but incredible in person.
Here's another view of Charles and Scarlett, further away, with Matthew Hacker, Hannah J. Hacker and Matthew Ouellette further down the carpet.
And this is Chaysen Beacham with Garrett Toelle behind him.
Crowd scene outside - they were watching for and going down to the arriving limos. I decided to stay in my place. The guy in the middle with the gray sweater looking the other way is apparently Bryan Moss because someone tagged him in my Facebook album.
And I was glad I didn't move because Jaime Moffett came down the carpet and paused for me to take this shot. Thanks, Jamie.
Not sure who these women were, but I believe they're friends of Jaime Moffet. Either that or they were stealing her coat.
OK, so I don't know the guy on the left, but Kristi Ray on the right in the blue dress had an interesting role in the second episode. ('Nuff said here, but that scene got the biggest laugh of the night.)
Cory Hoopingarner, who stars in a reality show called "Breath" filmed all over the U.S. and Europe debuting in June,with Hollywood East's Brandon Paluk.
Cory Hoopingarner, Fay Hennessey, and Bryan Moss.
The first woman,with the high wattage smile and purple dress, didn't stop smiling all night, at least while we were there and whenever we saw her. She's Kathy Sue Holtorf. Marge LOVED that dress. From left to right after Kathy are Megan Leigh Henry, Caitlin Mathis, and Carol Anne Watts.
Wes Howren I think was the only male actor not wearing jeans, with Tabitha Garland.
The woman in the pink dress is Summer Rahn and the blond woman in the black dress is Lindsay Brown. There's two of the stars and you see them a lot (and see a lot of them) in the series. Lindsay is the one who's not my daughter.
Summer and Lindsay again.
Jason Pevey and Kelsey Keeler. Kelsey heads up the wardrobe and style departments for the show and is an occasional extra in the series. Look for her at a table on the left side of the screen during the first episode.
This guy is Thomas W. Andrews.
Inside Thalian, the same four women lined up. Megan Leigh Henry, Kathy Sue Holtorf (same dress, same smile), Carol Anne Watts, and Caitlin Mathis.
Looking down on the crowd inside. A bunch of folks were identified by others in this crowd, including Charles Stewart Jr., Bob and Nancy Brown, Ryan McCombs, Jamie Lynn Horrobin, Lee Pointer, and Dave Oaks. The best way to see who's who in this one is via my Facebook album of the event.
From the back, Jason Pevery and Kelsey Keeler.
Parking was great. We got there early enough to park in the lot and parked in our friend Charlie Rivenbark's spot. Thanks, Charlie!
After watching the screeing of the two episodes and hearing the male star and producer talk about the production (and I got no shots of him, go figure), Marge and I didn't stick around to go to the party at Tres Benzio's. Our friend David Merrill of Hertz Local and Wilmington Networking Event calendar fame sat with us and he did go to the party, so maybe we'll hear more about it later.
I'm told at 2AM Sunday January 17th WWAY-TV3 will have the first commercial broadcast of "Hollywood East" for the Wilmington market only and then it will be viewable nationally (internationally?) on the RTN network Sunday at 9PM. (The broadcast info via Scarlett V. Futch, so thanks again, Scarlett.). [Update - I just watched the WWAY broadcast (via Tivo) - helped in getting some of the names correct. And yep, the first episode ended on broadcast TV the same way it did at the premier. - bb]
You know what? We had a blast. This was clearly not a huge budget operation and they said that, but they did a great job, they had a lot of energy and passion about what they were doing and it showed. So, to all the folks involved with "Hollywood East", thanks for the chance to share in the Premier excitement. And to everyone else in the Wilmington area - check it out, if only to see if you recognize the club scenes and outdoor shots.
Oh yeah, the concept of the show is based on a rising band of four guys and three women friends who are trying to make it as models. They both play against strong, experienced agents/guides/mentors who are just a little older and more experienced. If the first two episodes are indicative, you've got music, skin, beaches, clubs, and comedy. Eye candy, ear candy and mind candy. But wait, there's more.
They are laying the ground work for some potentially interesting characters and have already revealed, in just two episodes, some potential issues within both groups, the boys in the band and the girls on the beach, as well as between individuals in each group. It is clear that pretty much across the board the characters are laying it all down for success, but their definitions differ, or at least the roads they're willing to take. A theme that's likely to build will be what will you sacrifice for success and where is the line drawn past which you won't go to attain it?
Thanks again folks, it was fun. Very Wilmington, very "Hollywood East".
Oh yeah, one more note - I can easily add missing names or fix mistakes, so if you find errors, let me know, happy to make it right on the factual stuff and people's names. - Bruce