Most of the folks on the Advisory Board are in the photo below:
Did you know there are 58 SBCs in North Carolina and all of them are charged with providing free seminars and others services to small businesses and entrepreneurs in the state?
Did you know that the Brunswick Community College Small Business Center is offering 26 free seminars in the spring of 2010?
That's right! Free! No charge. You just have to sign up, show up, and learn. If you do all three your business will benefit.
Topics include:
- QuickBooks Pro for NonProfits.
- Microsoft Office program training (various).
- Marketing with Social Networking.
- Tax Implications for Starting a Small Business
- and a lot more.
Want to know more? Call (910) 755-7380.
Or, click on this link to go to the BCC Small Business Center page or this link for a listing of the Spring 2010 free seminars.