On Tuesday January 26th the first meeting of the grassroots Do It Downtown Wilmington group held a wildly successful Do It Downtown Wilmington Initiative Forum (let's just call it DIDWIF).
Held in Ray Baca's and B J McArten's new River Room venue on S. Water Street, the crowd, looking sparse below, grew quickly to 150+ with standing room only. (Calling The River Room "new" is a little misleading, since this very cool space is in a building with heart of the pine posts that are 90 feet long and driven straight down to solid rock - this factoid according to walking downtown historian Bob Jenkins.)
An assemblage of downtown constituency respresentatives including theater, galleries, shops, restaurants, and venues made up the panel, with Star News Reporter/Columnist/Musician/All-roundGood Guy Si Cantwell as the roving moderator. After each panelist spoke for a couple of minutes, most of the meeting consisted of questions and suggestions from attendees.
Si Cantwell at the mic.
Ray Back with a mongo camera.
Singer/musician Susan Savia.
Sabina Newman of SCN Insight.
Roby Powell of Nsalo Salon.
Mother and daughter owners of Two Sisters Bookery, Brooks Preik and her daughter, Angela Napier.
Mike Loch of Crescent Moon Gallery and one of the ownera of Port City Pottery & Fine Crafts.
Max Deutsch of Sea-Comm Media - promoters who helped get the word out about the meeting.
Roby Powell talking with panelists Ray Worrell of Slice.
Star News Social Media reporter Shannan Bowen and Randy Shackleford, Wilmington's Self-Proclaimed Mayor After Dark.
Brooks Preik and Marge Brown.
Brian and TinaMarie McArten.
Shannan and Ray.
What a turnout! Good job to Joan Loch especially to also to all the other folks who want everyone to Do It Downtown.