Life's all about "being", not just "doing" or "having."
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Family Tree Nursery - Business After Hours and Ribbon Cutting
It was late Tuesday afternoon in North Brunswick County. So you know what that means, right?
Well, actually we had an official North Brunswick Chamber of Commerce Two-fer Tuesday, a combination Business After Hours and Ribbon-Cutting at Christine and Bob Cappiello's Family Tree Nursery on Route 17. Nice place, good time, GREAT people.
Here's what the front of the main building looks like.
Hanging outside is a banner/flag that captures the spirit of this nursery. And that's of course Marge Brown of Fat City Cards.
NBCC board member Jeff Harvell of Lighthouse Publishing and the Cape Fear Business News with NBCC staff member Alice Razzano. Make sure you go all the way to the end of this blog post, btw, because Jeff has something to tell you.
Local author Bob Throop (the "h" is silent, so pronounce it like "troop), Anthony Downey who we discovered has a huge business supplying interpreters for the hard of hearing, and once again my bride, Marge.
Bob and Joyce Throop. Joyce doesn't talk much because she's always laughing and smiling. Joyce is an artist but also one of the most energetic, happiest people I've ever met.
Bob Throop, Ruth Downey (Ruth has just invented a necessary household convenience but I think it may be a secret so won't give it away here), Anthony Downey, and Marge.
Photographer Bob Baer. Bob's house in Westport is for sale. I've seen it and it has a great floor plan and is in super condition and the price is right. Bob is threatening to move to Texas to be near his grandchildren - we hope he stays around here. We really like it when he hollers at us when he shoots the official ribbon cutting shots.
Charlie Koenig, Chamber Ambassador and good guy.
Chris Messerling of Silver Coast Winery, which is also sold at Family Tree Nursery. Flowers and wine, imagine that! - not only is North Brunswick County a party place, but it's also romantic! That's Terry Grillo on the right, NBCC Executive Director, calling out a number for one of several drawings.
Chris pours for Jeff Harvell and Justin Williams (energetic publisher of NBM and SBM Magazines).
Here's a better shot of Chris.
Our hostess Christine Cappiello behind the counter with Terry.
Connie and Scott Reeves of Azalea Plaza. Guess what he does in December?
Crowd shot sampling the food.
I never did get all the family names, but the guy with the light blue t-shirt in the middle is Bob Cappiello. He told us that after they'd each worked corporate jobs for some years, Bob asked Christine what her passion was and she said running a nursery. So they did. And we're glad.
Board members Dana Fisher of Neubridge Bank and Donna Cameron of SunTrust Bank flank Frank Doherty of Oak Island.
State Farm's Franklin Rouse, he's also a board member.
NBCC President George Murray of Murray Art and Frame and Tony Vlach of Nationwide Insurance.
NBCC Ambassador Jamie Shoemaker of Reliable Payment Solutions.
Board members Justin Williams, Dr. Sheila Hanby of Capeside Animal Hospital, and Frank Williams of Cape Fear Business News.
Okay so these next two shots are my favorites. And these two women are pretty cool, too. Laura Patterson of Mulch & More and Mary Amerling of Ashcraft & Associates.
I asked them to smile for the camera and they did, but I think I like the other shot better. How about you?
Marge with basket maker Judy Covil. Judy is also a pharmaceutical scientist.
Marge with Kerry Kasotsky of Health Choice One.
Marilyn Holcomb with Debby Lechtrecker of Coastal LifeStyle Properties. They didn't realize they were coming to an NBCC shindig, but they fit right in. Hope we made you feel welcome.
Town Planner Calendar's Mary Bennies with Tim Riley of Nationwide Insurance.
Melinda and Clarence Hales of Village Road Memorial Chapel.
Acting up for the camera - which I highly encourage - are ATMC's Melissa Hewett and Sandra Braden.
With Bob Cappiello in the background, Melody Formalarie and her daughter Lauren Formalarie of Coastal Carolina Concepts (Lauren can help you get set up with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and show you how to use them.)
East Coast Staging's Randy Larson.
With Bob Cappiello again in the background (he was busy making sure everyone had a good time) here's a nice couple shot of a nice couple, Ruth and Anthony Downey.
Scott and Connie Reeves with George Patterson of Mulch & Moore.
Tim D'Elia from Aflac. Good guy, big smile. Great to have at our parties (sorry, our Chamber business events).
Tim, Melissa Hewett, and Justin.
Tim apparently approves of Chris's wines. That's Joyce Fields of Cape Fear Credit Union to his immediate left.
Okay, so this shot pretty much captures the spirit of NBCC. Board members Todd Godbey (who by day is the head of Nancy Hall Publications) and SunTrust Bank President Donna Cameron.
Todd and Marge.
Terry threw out the ribbon - I think someone caught it.
Here's the ribbon cut with Bob and Christine Cappiello holding the monster-sized scissors.
Terry Grillo and George Murray with Bob and Christine with three generations of family and the cut ribbon.
Thanks to Christine and Bob and their family and staff and to Chris from Silver Coast Winery. We had a great time.
But don't leave yet . . .
And finally, in a nod to south Brunswick County, our own Jeff Harvell tells why people should visit Calabash.